Friday, July 22, 2011

Final Shamp Camp!!!

I really can't believe summer is almost over! This Monday will be our final Shamp Camp at Sun-n-Fun. The fee for the day $11 for both the pool and the slide. There is also a bar & grill so the kids can eat and I can drink...just kidding!!!
Same time, 1-5. Maybe a moment longer since it is the last one. I do have room in my car for kids so be sure to call if you need a ride.
Thanks for another great summer. Not many kids this year; I suspect they are all out-growing Shamp Camp. But I am sure enjoying the one's that are there!

Have a great rest of your summer.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Shamp Camp Summer 2011

It's that time of the year again! Woo-hoo!

For those of you familiar with Shamp Camp, I know the kids are excited to see each other this summer. For any new-bee's, welcome!

There are a few differences in this year's camp.

I'm gonna put something right on the table: I don't like change.

Especially when it means that my kids are growing up. But knowing the inevitable is going to happen, I need to roll with it. After much prayer, I have decided to continue Shamp Camp this summer with these changes:

1. All Joey wants to do is fish. So if your son is coming to Shamp Camp to spend some quality time with Joey, good luck. If we go to an area where he does not think the fishing is good, he won't go. Again, if your son is Joey's age, please call Monday morning and check my voicemail. I will tell you where we will be and if Joey will be there.

2. Due to other commitments, the time of Shamp camp needs to be shortened. It will be from 1-5. DON'T PANIC!!! For those of you who don't get off work until 5, I plan on staying on, especially if we are at the beach. Last year, I watched the sunset each Monday, and loved it. Joey and Jaena will be leaving at 5:00, but your son/daughter may stay with me until you arrive.

3. Due to this time change, I will no longer be feeding the kids. Please send them will full bellies (and empty bladders:-)

I will have water and snacks for the day, but nothing too hardy.

4. There will be a couple of weeks that one or another of the Shamp kids will not be there. That will be posted to the right. Your child is still invited, but their friend may not be there.

5. Continue to bring sunscreen, and please have your child wear red. I guess the red t-shirt was too much for some kids, altho it made my life easier. Maybe if you could get red swim trunks, a red had, red swimsuit. As you know, sometimes there are like 20 kids! Much easier to spot them if they are in red!

Still available for transportation: dropping off at my office at 12:15. Only room for 6, and sometimes I will have a Shamp with me cutting down on available space. Please call me the night before to "reserve" your ride in the party Ford!

As far as locations, we will continue to meet at Lido Beach, City Island, adding in perhaps the Y Water Park again, and our final Hurrah at Sun-N-Fun. Check the schedule weekly for changes.

During one of our trips to Lido and one to City Island, I would like to take them to do some exploring. There is a nature walk at the more south end of Lido we will walk through, and I would like to do the Bird Sanctuary or even Mote for the other trip. I will look into that. Again, please keep your eyes on this blog for details.

Looking forward to your kids again this year! Let me know if you think you will be dropping yours off at one, two or all of our 2011 Shamp Camp's!